OLLI at UNC Asheville offers robust programming related to big changes during life’s later years. Perhaps you moved to Asheville after attending one of OLLI at UNC Asheville’s nationally-attended programs like Paths to Creative Retirement or Creative Retirement Exploration Weekend, or you’ve done important planning through The Gift of Time or Exploring Continuing Care Retirement Communities. But did you know that there are a host of other opportunities throughout the year where you can learn more about all of the challenges and possibilities of life’s second half? Learn about ways you can participate in programs and also how you can help us envision new workshops, courses and presentations. Join representatives from the Life Transitions committee and College for Seniors Life Transitions curriculum committee, learn more about upcoming opportunities, and participate in conversation around the future of Life Transitions programming at OLLI during this special presentation.

Life Transitions at OLLI
Posted on | by hschroed
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- Life Transitions at OLLIOLLI at UNC Asheville offers robust programming related to big changes during life’s later years. Perhaps you moved to Asheville after attending one of OLLI […]